Traveling to Walt Disney World with a Baby

Apr 3, 2023

Disney World in Orlando, Florida can often be stressful. Add a baby into the mix and things can get really stressful. I’m here to help you make things go a little bit smoother. If you have not yet booked your trip and are in need of a travel agent, please fill out this form.

Baby sitting in from of Cinderella's castle at Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World Florida


Personally, I love to lay out everyones outfits for each day we are traveling. Each day gets packed together. This makes it easy for me to put it all in a closet organizer when we get there. Babies will need 1-2 outfits for every single day when traveling. Disney Resorts have a laundry mat so I will typically pack an outfit for each days PLUS 2 extra outfits total, knowing that if I need to I can wash clothes.

Brings a little bit of detergent is always a good idea as well as white vinegar or your choice of stain remover.

Some other things you’ll need to pack are:

Baby sitting on a Carousel horse in Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World Florida wearing a Winnie the Pooh Onesie

Airport/ Plane Ride

The biggest piece of advice I can give you for the plane ride is to try to stay as calm as possible. Our children can read our moods fairly easily. The more you are worked up, the more your child will be worked up.

Seat or no seat? This can sometimes be different for different children. Ultimately, your child will be safest in a carseat in their own seat over sitting in your lap. This is the carseat I use for my children. This carseat bag will help make it easier to carry the carseat around the airport. If you want your child to sit on your lap, be sure to bring a baby wearing carrier of some sort. While I do not recommend checking a car seat since they do get bumped around quite a bit, if you have to check your car seat, be sure to check it at the gate as it is less likely to be damaged.

Keeping Baby Occupied

One year old sitting on a Carousel horse in Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World Florida wearing a Mickey Mouse Rags to Raches Romper

Once in Disney

Tips and Tricks for making Disney go a bit smoother with a baby:

  • You don’t need a park ticket OR Park Reservation for children under 2
  • You DO need to add all children, regardless of age to dining reservations
  • Bring baby a change of clothes – I’ve had enough mid-day Disney blowouts to never forget this tip again
  • Utilize the Baby Care Centers, there is one located in each park. Great for changing diapers, filling water bottles, nursing in a quiet spot, and just taking a break
  • You don’t NEED to breastfeed at the Baby Care Center. You can breastfeed whenever and wherever you’re comfortable
  • Make sure whatever water bottles you bring fits in a back pack or zipped stroller organizer. There is nothing worse than trying to juggle a million things on Disney transportation.
  • Take a mid-day break. Disney is overstimulating for all ages. Be sure to take a break to give your child a little break from the hustle and bustle.
  • You can request a crib or pack and play to be delivered to your room
  • Babies can go on most rides at Disney World
  • Utilize Rider Swap for any rides your baby cannot go on that older children/adults would like to ride
  • Bring snacks and water
  • If you’re planning on sitting down for a meal, bring some of the busy toys listed above from the airplane


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